I've always wanted to create and own my own clothing line. But it wasn't until God purified my idea and concept to make it HIS clothing line so all glory goes to Him and Him alone.

The Truth Merchandise Inc.

      • PROCLAIM (Psalms 118:17): Declare the Word of God in the life of your neighbour and yours!
      • LIVE (John 8:38): Know the Truth of the Word and it shall set you free!
      • SPREAD (Matthew 28:19): Share the Word of God wherever you go!
That is our mandate.
That is our mission.
This brand was made inspired and based on the following scripture, John 14:6 that says the following:
Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the light. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
We at The Truth Merch believe that Jesus is the only way to salvation, the one and only truth when something is said and the life when there's no hope.
If you want to share your testimony so other people can see it, tag us on your post!